Seasonal Tokens — cryptocurrencies that are mined using proof of work like bitcoin

4 min readApr 9, 2022

About Seasonal Tokens

Seasonal Tokens are cryptocurrencies mined using proof of work like bitcoin. They are designed so that if you trade them in a cycle you will end up with more than you started with. There are four tokens Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Once every nine months, the rate of production of one of the tokens is cut in half. The tokens that are produced at the fastest rate become the slowest. Spring tokens are currently produced at the fastest rate of the four. In June the Spring halving will take place and Spring will then become the most difficult of the four to mine.

Features of Seasonal Tokens

  • Easily increase your tokens : An investor who trades 3 Spring tokens for 5 Summer tokens will have more tokens in total after the trade than before. Always trade tokens for more tokens and the total number of tokens you own will increase with every trade.
  • Profit from volatility: If the price of one of the seasonal tokens plunges, you can trade other seasonal tokens for it and increase the number of tokens you own. By trading tokens for more tokens, you can convert price fluctuations into gains.
  • No need to trust anyone: The tokens are produced by proof-of-work mining, just like Bitcoin. They’re commodities, not promises.
  • Simple investing: The tokens are designed to rise in price relative to each other in a predictable sequence. Spring will tend to rise in price, then Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring again.
  • Hedge other investments : The total value of an investment portfolio can be made less seasonal, and more inclined to rise smoothly, by mixing seasonal tokens in with other seasonal investments.

Benefits of Seasonal Tokens

  • Four Tokens — There are four tokens like the four seasons in nature — Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. They’re produced by mining and can be used for farming. Mining controls the relative supply, and farming creates a relative demand.
  • Different Prices — Each of the tokens has a different price, which gives you the opportunity to trade the more expensive tokens for the cheaper ones and increases the total number of tokens you own.
  • Fixed Cycles — Every nine months the rate of production of a token is cut in half. Four months later, that token becomes more valuable for farming. It goes from being the cheapest to produce and the least valuable for farming to be the most expensive, and the most valuable.
  • Long-Term Investing — Your investment can increase in value by just holding a token for a long time and then selling when the rate of production of that token is much lower.
  • Cyclical Or Volatility Trading — Trade tokens for more tokens every time there is a big price difference, or when the price changes because of the new season coming.
  • Short-Term Profits — Buy the token that you expect to soon become the most expensive of the four, and then sell it a few weeks later when there is expected farming demand.

Seasonal Tokens farming

Seasonal tokens can be used for farming. Investors and miners can receive a regular income of tokens by providing liquidity at Uniswap and then depositing the Uniswap liquidity position into the farm. Farming helps to ensure that there is sufficient liquidity available for trades, and it generates a rotating demand for the tokens that complements the rotating scarcity.

Farming Benefits

  • Earn Rewards — Providing liquidity allows you to get part of the 9% contribution that the mining pool distributes to all farmers like you. Farming creates an incentive to provide liquidity, ensuring that the tokens can be traded on the market.
  • Earn Fees — Every time a trade takes place, the farmers who provide liquidity collect fees of 1%.
  • Rotating rewards — This rotation of the farm payouts makes it profitable for farmers to switch from providing liquidity for other tokens to providing liquidity for Spring tokens. This will create demand for Spring tokens four months after the rate of production is cut. The combination of the reduced supply and increased demand should put upward pressure on the price, reinforcing the profits of cyclical traders.

Seasonal Tokens smart contracts

  • Spring: 0xf04aF3f4E4929F7CD25A751E6149A3318373d4FE
  • Summer: 0x4D4f3715050571A447FfFa2Cd4Cf091C7014CA5c
  • Autumn: 0x4c3bAe16c79c30eEB1004Fb03C878d89695e3a99
  • Winter: 0xCcbA0b2bc4BAbe4cbFb6bD2f1Edc2A9e86b7845f


The most promising Seasonal Token efforts are built on communities of passionate individuals; the larger and more devoted the community, the more successful the NFT project. All SHER NFT owners are welcome to join the community and participate in the freebies and contests. They can express their ideas and debate Ai, Robotics, N FTs, and many other topics in the community.

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